Beware of Registration Error Messages

During the registration process, you may encounter several different errors.

Probably the most common type of error is the closed error, which means that that section of the class is closed.

Notice that Nitro has registered for one class successfully, his biology class. However this English class indicates that it is closed. You are getting this closed message here and as well as an error at the bottome of the page saying that the registration is not complete.

To find another section of this particular class that is open, click on the "See the Alternate Classes" button and a page will come up listing any sections that are still open for this particular class. Notice here that we only have one section open so let's grab it fast!

Click this radio button, scroll down and then click the "Attempt to Register for This Selected Class" and it will register for you for this class. If you have a whole selection available here, you can select something, clear it and select another item.

This button, "Redisplay Classes With Alternate Buttons," simply takes you back to a prior screen with the alternate buttons still showing there. This button, "Redisplay Classes Without Alternate Buttons," will delete this class when you go back to the prior screen. So let's go ahead and register for this class and hopefully we will get it. Then we will try to see what other types of errors are available. Ah! We are successful.

Let's go down and try to and register for another class, lets go for 2866 key code. We will click here and see if we can get this course and see what happens here. Hm, we are getting an error again. It says we must resister for a corresponding lab or discussion. This is called a "co-requisite error," which means that we must register for two classes at time. We have both a lab and a discussion, which must be taken simultaneously. When your register for this type of class, you must enter the key codes for both sections at the same time otherwise, this type of error will appear.

Ok, lets try for another class, 1085, and see if we can register for this class. Notice when we register this time, that the error, the second error will disappear.

Ok, this class, class restriction this error occurs whenever, you perhaps don't have a prerequisite required before you can take this class. Or perhaps you have to take bsc 1010o before you can take this 20 10o. Another possibility is that this class is restricted to a particular major or that you might have to have a specific form signed before you are allowed to sign up for this class.

In any of those situations, you will probably have to go to your advisor to find out what is happening with this particular class.

Some other types of errors that occur are time conflicts. If you register for two classes that have overlapping times or the same time you get an error requiring you to reregister.

Also, an administrative hold may be on your file in which case you will get an administrative hold error here. If you have an administrative hold error, you need to go back to the task selection menu and click on the holds error message or hold file-listing button to find out what type of hold is on your file. Depending on the type of hold will depend on how you need to process this to get it cleared. You will not be allowed to register until a hold is removed.

Good luck in your registration!